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Talk at Mila
How does AI “see” our cities? Can foundation models develop implicit theories about urban life—its physical spaces, social structures, and cultural nuances?
The scientifc coordinator of DVS, Dr. DarÃo Negueruela, gave a talk at Mila – Institut québécois d’intelligence artificielle last Nov. 20th, invited by the UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape
In this talk, entitled “The City in a Bottle: Exploring Machine Learning’s Implicit Urban Imagination”, Negueruela and colleagues Neri and Alfarano critically examine the urban imagination embedded in AI systems, reflecting on ideas at the intersection of AI, urban studies, and cultural critique. We’ll explore how these models’ artificial imaginaries can shape—and potentially constrain—our vision of alternative, inclusive urban futures, and how we might align them with aspirations for more equitable, fair, and sustainable cities.
We thank Shin Koseki, former DVS fellow and current holder of the UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape, for making this possible.