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On Nov 2, we had the pleasure to give a talk at the Institute of Art History of the University of Zurich.
The lecture is part of the Institute’s Autumn Semester Colloquium “G AI N or P AI N: Künstliche Intelligenz in der Kunstgeschichte”, organized by avid Ganz (KHIST), Nima Wermelinger and Alia Slater (FV KHIST)
Artificial Intelligence is currently generating new models for text-prompted image production at a mesmerizing pace. Most interestingly this technology is being explored and promoted through the medium of visual art, generating new aesthetic problems that need to be addressed urgently. So, what does AI do to the history of art, and what does art history do to AI? The Max Planck team of the Digital Visual Studies project, based at the University of Zurich, will present some research experiments exploring the limits and potentials of AI for art history. The team will offer insights into topics like mimesis and ekphrasis in AI, the application of computer vision to art history, the analysis of light, bodily expression, and urban space.