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Colors of AI. ICCC 2024 Workshop
Colors of AI
Workshop’s Scope
Program and Outcome
Organizing Committee

Colors of AI

AI is both colorful and white, it’s the bright neon colors of the fantasy scenes as well as the systematic whitening of the skin color. In this workshop, we wish to explore the colors in and of AI, spanning from the AI representation of colors in art and the palette of generative AI, to how AI promotes biases of colors in society and its imbalance among the creators of computer creative systems. The workshop is hands-on, striving for a creative environment where the different views and facets of colors in AI can be synthesized into collaborative creative writing and/or an artistic process. To allow more flexibility in developing a shared narrative around the colors of AI, we will accept participants based on abstract submissions.


This workshop will take place on June 18th as part of ICCC’24, June 17 – June 21, 2024, at the University of Jönköping, in Sweden.

The workshop will last half a day.


Program Schedule:

  • 8:30 – 8:35
    • Introduction
  • 8:35 – 8:50
    • Navigating the Intersections of Generative Art and Traditional Artistic Styles: Uncovering Deception, Bias, and the Landscape of Art Authentication   –   Akruti Acharya
    • Mapping Titanium White Pigment in Picasso’s Artworks Using AI   –    Tetiana Golub*, Athena Pirchl, Lola Pedrazzini, Rosa Rauschen
    • Digital Color Schemes in Italian Renaissance Art   –   Pepe Ballesteros
  • 8:50 – 9:15
    • Discussion and Hands-on
  • 9:15 – 9:35
    • The Study on Color and Specialty Effect of Chinese Traditional Pattern Design Generated by AIGC Tools   –   Cui Ling
    • ColorwAI: Co-creative Colorway Creation of Artistic Textile Samples   –   Ludovica Schaerf
    • Cocci: Fragments of Passages   –    Enrico and Carlo Gioia
    • Tarots and Russian Prisons’ Card System    –   Alexandra Nikitina
  • 9:35 – 10:00
    • Discussion and Hands-on
  • 10:00 – 10:15
    • Dream of Swimming Pool    –    Sanja Zdrnja
    • Colours emerging from nothing in the works (un)stable equilibrium   –    Terence Broad
    • Taking Stock   –    Michael Mandiberg
  • 10:15 – 10:30
    • Discussion and Hands-On
  • 10:30 – 11:00
    • Break
  • 11:00 – 11:10
    • Portrait of V.I. Lenin in the Style of Jackson Pollock: A Critical Outlook on Generative Art    –    Dejan Grba
  • 11:10 – 11:25
    • Mapping AI in Museums –   Isabel Hufschmidt* and Sonja Thiel
    • AI Art Curation: Reimagining the City of Helsinki on the Occasion of its Biennial   –    Dario Negueruela del Castillo
    • Exposed or Erased: Algorithmic Censorship of Nudity in Art   –   Piera Riccio
  • 11:25 – 11:50
    • Discussion and Hands-On
  • 11:50 – 12:05
    •  The AI is Talking Back!   –   Cristina Moraru
    • Wearable technology for health monitoring –   Abigail Oppong, Gertrude Asumpaame Alayine*, Mabel Kumi
    • Project GEFAI (Digital Looms: Crafting Gender and Economic Futures in African AI)   –   Abigail Oppong*, Mabel Kumi
  • 12:05 – 12:30
    • Discussion and Hands-On
  • 12:30 – 13:00
    • Final considerations and outlook on next steps


We very much welcome attendance from all ICCC participants who are keen on exploring together these topics.

For those participating, the workshop has a strong collaborative component that we are going to develop through an interactive map that we have started to build, putting together the accepted abstracts.  To enlarge the map towards interesting directions, we envisioned two different research paradigms to reflect on: frictions and negative spaces. In particular, after the presentation of the participants in cluster 1, the participants of cluster 1 and those of cluster 2 (the following cluster clockwise), will look for the “negative spaces” of their research topics.

With “negative spaces”, we refer to the areas that have not been explored yet and that can lead to interesting future work directions. In this action, it is important to create a dialogue between the participants of the two different clusters, as adjacent clusters are quite related and the negative spaces could reflect common future work directions. In the meantime, the participants of clusters 3, 4, and 5 will meet and discuss the “frictions” that they identify between the presentations they just heard in cluster 1.

With “frictions”, we refer to the similarities and dissimilarities between approaches, topics, or visions: i.e., those elements that could create motion and research synergy among the participants of the same cluster. After the first round, participants of cluster 2 will present and after their presentation, they will look for negative spaces together with the participants of cluster 3, while clusters 4, 5, and 1 will speculate on the frictions of cluster 2. The process will be repeated until the participants of all the clusters have presented.

Those attending without an abstract, they will be assigned to the group dealing with the “negative spaces”.

Previous  instructions for participating:

We welcome contributions of research and/or artwork proposals on the topic “Colors of AI”. The participants are invited to submit their abstract (max. 500 words) and a short bio (max. 100 words) using the following Google Form by the 30th of April 2024.

We will accept outstanding early-bird submissions on a rolling basis to facilitate planning the trip to the conference venue. The reviewing process will be handled by the organizing committee and external experts based on the number and topics of the submission.

We encourage participation from diverse fields including but not limited to Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, History of Art, Media Art, HCI, etc. We encourage people with any background to apply to the workshop: diverse perspectives will enrich our discourse and narrative significantly and will create the basis for an effective interdisciplinary exchange! Onsite participation is encouraged, but we will also accommodate that some of the participants will connect remotely.

For questions please contact and

Workshop’s Scope

We invite the participants to freely interpret the concept of “Colors of AI” and submit any abstract that they would consider suitable to the title. The suggestive name of the workshop gives the opportunity to discuss ideas from different fields on the practices of AI, with the starting point for reflection being the term colors.

Let your imagination run wild! Here are some options we thought of:

AI representation of colors in art

How is AI as a tool used to analyze color in the history of art and design? How does generative AI use colors to represent specific artistic movements and styles?

The generative AI color palette

What colors are being used by generative AIs and for what? Can we identify a specific culture of color surrounding individual AIs? Do these respond to any societal interests?

Skin colors in AI art

Let’s consider the sphere of AI & Art, and how representational biases, particularly regarding skin colors, persist and pose potential harm to minority groups.

AI/Art as a white-centric intersection of disciplines

Metaphorically linking colors to racial minorities, genders, and sexualities, the AI & Art research community lacks diversity, impacting the development of tools. The underrepresentation of various groups in both industry and academia can lead to biased algorithms and limited perspectives in the intersection of AI and Art.

United Colors of AI Art

Thinks critically about the conceptual and ideological vectors in AI science and industry, which reemerge with each new release of AI tools for artmaking to influence the popular and professional notions of art, authorship, creative agency, and the future of art as a human faculty.


For more information on the suggested topics, click here.

Program and Outcome

The workshop is open to both researchers and artists. This workshop will be an inter-disciplinary collaborative experience and the expected outcome(s) will be adapted according to the interests and inclinations of the participants.

At the end of the workshop, we will have collaboratively created a visualization of the topics we are bringing into the “Colors of AI” workshop and how these different dimensions interact with each other. This map will be a piece in itself, but hopefully, it will also open doors to other types of academic or artistic collaborations between the presenters. From our side, depending on the success of the workshop, we are also hoping to propose a special issue about “Colors of AI” to a top-tier peer-reviewed journal, so that we would be able to include all these beautiful contributions (and others that might come in the future) into an holistic work.

Organizing Committee

Piera Riccio (ELLIS Alicante Foundation) and Ludovica Schaerf (UZH-MPG),

Dr. Darío Negueruela del Castillo (UZH-MPG),

Dr. Dejan Grba (IGC, University of the Arts in Belgrade),

Dr. Nuria Oliver (ELLIS Alicante Foundation).
