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Piera Riccio is an ELLIS PhD student. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Cinema and Media Engineering (2018, Politecnico di Torino), a Master’s degree in ICT for Smart Societies (2021, Politecnico di Torino), and a Master’s degree in Data Science and Engineering (2021, Télécom Paris – EURECOM). In 2020, she was an affiliate at Metalab (at) Harvard. In 2021, she was a research assistant at the Oslo Metropolitan University. In her research, she is interested in exploring the cultural, social, and artistic possibilities of AI. In her PhD, she focuses on the effect that social media have on the lives of women and the way they are perceived in the social media cultural ecosystem. Her supervisors are Nuria Oliver (ELLIS Alicante), Thomas Hofmann (ETH Zurich) and Francisco Escolano (Universidad de Alicante).