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Darío Negueruela del Castillo
Current Projects
Talks and Lectures
Publications (selection)
Conference/Symposium Organization


Dr. Darío Negueruela del Castillo is the scientific coordinator of the Center for Digital Visual Studies (Max Planck Society – University of Zurich) since January 2020. Between 2017 and 2019, he was Head of Research at ALICE lab in EPFL, where he completed his PhD entitled “The City of Extended Emotions” in 2017. Until 2022 he was a founding member of Architecture Land Initiative (cooperative, CH). Previously, he was a founding partner of Ná architectural office (ES). He received an MSc in Architecture from TU Delft (The Netherlands) and a BA from the University of Westminster (UK).

Dr. Dario Negueruela del Castillo has been serving as the Scientific Coordinator at the Center for Digital Visual Studies (Max Planck Institute – University of Zurich) since January 2020. From 2017 to 2019, he held the position of Head of Research at the ALICE lab at EPFL, where he earned his PhD in 2017 with a dissertation entitled “The City of Extended Emotions.”

Dr. Negueruela del Castillo’s current research focuses on the implicit urban theory of Foundation Multimodal Deep Learning Models through his project “Clip and the City,” which examines how to leverage these models’ general learner capacities for urban analysis. He is also actively involved in the critical spatial curation of large collections using AI, demonstrated in his project “Newly Formed City” for the Helsinki Biennial.  His research spans architecture, urbanism, affect, and spatial and visual perception with an emphasis on imagination and spatial agency. Among others his current projects ‘On the Urbanity of Images’ and ‘Multimodality and Digital Apophenia’  explore the processes of machinic imagination, mimesis. and love and artificial desire.

In addition to his research, Dr. Negueruela del Castillo is the co-founder, along with Shin Koseki, of Data Think, a research and educational platform dedicated to critical and creative approaches to data and its methodologies. Data Think has successfully organized three summer and winter schools to date.

Dr. Negueruela del Castillo has substantial experience in curating and coordinating academic conferences and symposia, including the upcoming ‘Digital Double 2024’ in Rome, the ‘2021 Deep City International Symposium’ in Lausanne, and the ‘Scaffolds-Open Encounters’ in 2018 in Brussels. His extensive publication record includes a recent paper assessing the influence of artificial intelligence on urban studies in 2023.

Dr. Negueruela del Castillo is currently collaborating with Nuria Rodriguez Ortega from the University of Málaga on organizing a symposium and a research network focused on Generative Curation. He is also working with Geoff Cox from the Center for the Study of the Networked Image on a project titled “Diagramming Diagramming,” and with Julio Paulos of ETH Future Cities Laboratory on organizing the symposium and edited volume “Digital Double- AI & Cities: Situating and Troubling AI Technologies for Architectural De/Reconstruction and Urban Simulation.”

He is the editor of the volume “From Hype to Reality: Artificial Intelligence in the Study of Art and Culture,” co-edited with Eva Cetinic and published by Hertziana Studies in Art History.

Since 2024, he is affiliated researcher at the UNESCO Chair of Urban Landscape at the Université de Montréal. He is also a member of the scientific committee of Edumeet – International Congress on Pedagogical Transfers for Innovation and Change- UPM, member of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH), member of Association of Digital Humanities Organizations ADHO, as well as of the Digital Society Initiative DSI UZH and European Architectural History Network EAHN, and
Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP Young Academics

Current Projects

On the Urbanity of Images (ongoing)

Collaboration with Helsinki Biennial – AI Curation (2023)

Multimodality and Digital Apophenia ( 2022-)

Seeing like a City (but differently this time). with Lucía Jalón Oyarzun (2022-)

An Ecology of Vision for Early Modern Rome (2021-)

Digital Rome (2022-)


email: dario.neguerueladelcastillo[at]

Social Media:


Twitter: @NegueruelaDario

ORCID: 0000-0002-6333-1515

Talks and Lectures

2024 Artificial urban Imaginaries, Darío Negueruela, Talk at the UNESCO Chair of Urban Landscape. 9 July

2024 Mimesis and Machinic Agency: An Exploration ofAutonomous Image-Text Loops. Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Iacopo Neri, Pepe Ballesteros Zapata. 12th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics&X. 10–12 July Treviso, IT

2023 CLiP and The City Addressing the Artificial Encoding of Cities in Multimodal Machine Learning Models Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Iacopo Neri. 2023.AI Session. International Strand Conference 2023. Belgrade December 4-8, 2023

2023 URBAN GIST. Addressing the Artificial Encoding of Cities in Multimodal Machine Learning Models Iacopo Neri, Darío Negueruela del Castillo, José Ballesteros Zapata. 2023. Making Machine Learning Worlds Session’). Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference, September 2023.

2023 Artificialis Somnia Romae. Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Iacopo Neri. Towards a Collaborative Cultural Analysis of the City of Rome Workshop. June 26-28, 2023 Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome

2023 Towards AI Art Curation: Re-imagining the city of Helsinki in occasion of its Biennial, Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Ludovica Schaerf, Pepe Ballesteros, Iacopo Neri and Valentine Bernasconi. 2023 CVPR’s workshop Ethical Considerations in Creative Applications of Computer Vision (EC3V). Best Paper Award

2023 Re-imagining Absences in Digital Doubles for Mapping Historical Urban Ephemeral Phenomena. Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Iacopo Neri, José Ballesteros Zapata. (2023) Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities. June 29-July 1, 2023.

2023 Mimetic Dreams. The Cultural Significance of Multimodal Machine Learning Models Beyond Apophenia, with Iacopo Neri. Symposium From Hype to Reality: Artificial Intelligence in the Study of Art and Culture. Digital Society Initiative. University of Zurich. April 20-21. Zurich, CH

2023 Urban Machine Vision – Operational & Networked Images .Lecture and Workshop with Iacopo Neri.
Sensing Like a (Multipli)City
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

2022 Seeing like a city: el papel de las imágenes en red en la construcción de inteligencias urbanas. with Lucía Jalón Oyarzun. Conference of the Ibero-American Association of Urban History, Nov 23, Madrid, ES


Publications (selection)

Edited Volumes (as editor)
Darío Negueruela and Eva Cetinic (Eds) From Hype To Reality: Artificial Intelligence in the Study of Art and Culture, Hertziana Studies in Art History, vol 3. 2024 ISBN: 978-3-949381-02-7 DOI:

Peer reviewed Book Chapters (selection)
(Forthcoming) Darío Negueruela “The Reverse Gaze of Satellite Imaging. The Reconstituted Face of the Earth”. in‘Aerial Spatial Revolution in architecture and urbanism’. Matteo Vegetti and Christoph Frank (Eds.) 2023.

Dieter Dietz, Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Julien Lafontaine Carboni, Agathe Mignon. “HOUSE 1 as Scaffolding and Protostructure. Wood Collaborative Design and Construction in First Year Studio Teaching at EPFL”. en In: Fabio Bianconi, Marco Filippucci (Eds.) Digital Wood Construction. Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design (2019). Springer International Publishing.

Darío Negueruela del Castillo “Space as Sense-Making Capacity” In: Bühlmann, Savic Doyle (Eds.) The Ghost of Transparency. Architectonics of Communication (2019) Birkhäuser / De Gruyter

Book Chapters
Darío Negueruela del Castillo “Architecture for Alterity” In Huang, J. Ortner, P. and Doumpioti, C. (Eds.) Xixinan. The Rural Return (2018) pp- 239-245. Lausanne: EPFL, ISBN: 9782839925099

Dieter Dietz, Aurélie Dupuis, Lafontaine Carboni & Darío Negueruela del Castillo «Reapprendre l’espace public » fr. In Coen, L. (Ed) Replay Malley. Animer la friche (2018) pp 170-180. Lausanne: InFolio. ISBN: 9782884744768

Articles in peer-review Journals
Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Iacopo Neri, Pepe Ballesteros, Valentine Bernasconi, Ludovica Schaerf. (2023). New Directions May Emerge: AI Curation of Helsinki’s Cultural Landscape: In Olivér Horváth (ed.) Designing Digital Humanities, Disegno Journal, Fall 2023. ISSN 2416-156X

Darío Negueruela del Castillo, Aurélie Dupuis, Julien Lafontaine Carboni, Dieter Dietz.” Imagining with and in Space: Structural support as a cognitive device in architectural education” In: James Thompson (Ed.) Flipping the Script: Foregrounding the Architecture Student – Charrete, Journal of the Association of Architectural Educators. 6(1) January 2020

Peer- reviewed conference proceedings (full paper, selection)
Dario Negueruela del Castillo, Iacopo Neri, Paul Guhennec, Javier Argota Sánchez-Vaquerizo, Ludovica Schaerf, Valentine Bernasconi, and Pepe Ballesteros Zapata. 2023. Transhistorical Urban Landscape as Hypermap. In ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.

Bernasconi, Valentine, Negueruela del Castillo, Darío.”Pose Annotation Project for Artworks: A participatory annotation platform for automated body pose estimation in art”, In Baillot, Anne, Tasovac, Toma, Scholger, Walter, & Vogeler, Georg. (2023, July 1). Digital Humanities 2023: Book of Abstracts. Digital Humanities 2023. Collaboration as Opportunity. (DH2023), Graz, Austria; p. 169.

Dieter Dietz, Aurélie Dupuis, Julien Lafontaine Carboni & Darío Negueruela Del Castillo. 2019. A Performative Threshold Between Teaching, Research and Practice. Atlas Poliphilo as Scaffold. In The Teaching of Practice the Practice of Teaching: The Teacher’s Hunch. Proceedings of the 2019 ACSA/EAAE Conference, June 2019 Antwerp

Conference/Symposium Organization

2024 Digital Double: AI & Cities: Situating and Troubling AI Technologies for Architectural De/Reconstruction and Urban Simulation.
AI & Cities Symposium – Chair and Scientific Coordinator, with Julio Paulos
Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome, and FCL Singapour

2021 Spring Deep City, Climate Crisis, Democracy and the Digital International Latsis Symposium. – Chair and Scientific Coordinator
EPFL. Lausanne, Switzerland

2018 Fall Scaffolds Open Encounters with Society Art and Architecture
International Research Symposium – Chair and Scientific Coordinator
CIVA Brussels and KANAL Centre Pompidou, Belgium

2015 Agency / Agents of Urbanity.
International PhD Colloquium – Chair and Scientific Coordinator
EPFL. Lausanne, Switzerland

Research Seminar/Workshop/Panel Organization
2024 Colors of AI.
Workshop – with Nuria Oliver, Dejan Grba, Piera Riccio and Ludovicxa Schaerf.
15th International Conference on Computational Creativity.
University of Jönköping, in Sweden.

2022 Urban Coding in Computational Times: The Influence of Digitalization in the Forms of Urban Intelligence.
Conference Session – with Lucía Jalón Oyarzun
Conference of the Ibero-American Association of Urban History
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

2022 Unexpected realities: how uncertainty and imperfection influence perception and interpretation in digital visual studies
Conference Session, with Eva Cetinic. Visual Science of Art Conference 2022
24-27 August. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2022 Digital Double – Research Seminar. –
Center for Digital Visual Studies. University of Zurich

2022 From Concepts to tools – Computational Prototyping for Research.
Research Workshop, with Eva Cetinic
Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome

2022 From Art to Numbers
PhD research Seminar
Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome

2021 Arch Machine Learning Visions- Leveraging Computational Methods for the Study of Architecture and the City in Historical, Present and Future Contexts
Research Workshop
Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome

2021 Navigating And Annotating Art Historical Collections
Research Workshop
Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome
